Laboratory And Field Evaluatlon Of The Molluscicidal Properties Of Calliandra Portoricensis(Jacq) Benth (ULE)


  • C. O. Adewunmi Drug Research & Production Unit, Faculty Of Pbarmacy, University of Ife,
  • V. O. Marquis Drug Research & Production Unit, Faculty Of Pbarmacy, University of Ife
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Calliandra portoricensis (Jacq) Benth (Mimosaceae) locally known as ULE is a shrub which grows wildly in Nigeria. Although it has many medicinal uses it has never being implicated as a vegetable molluscicidc. The aim of this report is to give details of the laboratory and preliminary field evaluation of the molluscicidal properties of the plant.

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How to Cite

Adewunmi, C. O. ., & Marquis, V. O. . (1981). Laboratory And Field Evaluatlon Of The Molluscicidal Properties Of Calliandra Portoricensis(Jacq) Benth (ULE). The Nigerian Journal of Pharmacy, 12(1). Retrieved from